Solomon Burke, the self appointed King of Rock and Soul, has died. Burke was a preacher, a food vendor, a mortician, and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. While most famous for his hit Cry to Me, he actualy had over 30 charted hits. Unfortunately, his career was overshadowed by the success of other artists covering his songs. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love alone was a hit Wilson Pickett, the Rolling Stones, and even the Blues Brothers. In the strange juxtaposition that I love, his songs delighted lovers of Dirty Dancing, as well as Pope John Paul II, whom he performed for in 2000. Why, sure as you're reading this, I bet he's up in heaven holding court with all the angels and saints and folks he embalmed, laughing about his inability to remember all the names of his 21 children and 90 or so grandchildren. Solomon Burken, a big old interesting man, dead at the age of 70. Read more HERE
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Don't you feel like a die, die die die die die, a die, die die die die die, dying!
Solomon Burke, the self appointed King of Rock and Soul, has died. Burke was a preacher, a food vendor, a mortician, and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. While most famous for his hit Cry to Me, he actualy had over 30 charted hits. Unfortunately, his career was overshadowed by the success of other artists covering his songs. Everybody Needs Somebody to Love alone was a hit Wilson Pickett, the Rolling Stones, and even the Blues Brothers. In the strange juxtaposition that I love, his songs delighted lovers of Dirty Dancing, as well as Pope John Paul II, whom he performed for in 2000. Why, sure as you're reading this, I bet he's up in heaven holding court with all the angels and saints and folks he embalmed, laughing about his inability to remember all the names of his 21 children and 90 or so grandchildren. Solomon Burken, a big old interesting man, dead at the age of 70. Read more HERE