Amy Winehouse, the girl who seemed to have it all together, has died. Who saw this coming? I mean, between the smoking, drinking, extreme drug use, self-mutilation, anorexia, depression, and violence, when did she have a down moment to die? I'd love to write about her music, but in all honesty she was more famous for being a trainwreck of a person than anything else. In death, however, she has found new fame, as she can now take the crown as biggest points score in the history of the Happy Funtime Friends and Family Death Predictions Extravaganza... at 73 points. Amy Winehouse, dead at the age of 27. Read more HERE.
* points awarded (x2)
I'd just like to add that she was also worth points to Shaun LAST year.....I can't imagine how that got omitted.
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