Mama needs another new pair of shoes
The woman who originally didn't want to play has won for a second year in a row. Congratulations are due to Cathy H. You excel where others fail; predicting the deaths of the famous and famous-ish in yearly chunks. Enjoy your well earned victory!
And the winner of the 2nd annual Margaret Walker Humanitarian Award is...
the 1st Peggy winner, its namesake, Margaret W. While Margaret is no longer with us, her spirit of charity continues on. And since she has the longest run of not scoring (having never scored in this game), she wins hands down. The Peggy Award comes with a cash prize based on the interest earned for the 1st place prize. This year, the Peggy Award is 18¢. Congratulations to Margaret W!
It should be known, when asked if she wanted to play last year, she said of her picks "let them ride". With that wish, so long as she still has an intact 10 picks, we here at Happy Funtime will continue to grant that wish. This year, Cathy H has graciously covered Margaret W's entry fee from her winnings so that we can "let them ride".
Picks are due by Sunday at 11:59:59 pm (Tomorrow night)
A couple of folks from last year still haven't gotten their picks in. There are also a few that have shown interest and not yet submitted. Let's not miss that deadline (no pun intended).
Congratulations Cathy! Nice showing from everyone last year....15 out of 17 picking atleast one is way better than the previous year!