Thursday, April 17, 2014

If My Spanish Was Better.....

I would congratulate Margaret D. for her pick of Gabriel Garcia Marquez who died April 17, 2014 at the age of 87.  His fictional works outsold everything published in Spanish except the Bible, that is impressive my friends!  Gabrial Marquez, dead at 87.

Points Awarded:
Margaret D

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Hey Timmy! You Got a Table for Two?"

John Pinette, comedian and actor, died at age 50 on April 5, 2014.  Too many comedic achievements to list, best to check out this bit.  John Pinette, dead at 50.
(Thanks for the help Janice T!)

The 8th Time's A Charm

Famed actor, Mickey Rooney passed away at age 93 on April 6, 2014.  Born Joseph Yule, Jr, his career started when he was just 17 months old and lasted right up until he died (no way to know if Gus will make it into Night at the Museum 3, although Rooney did film scenes before his death).  Mr. Rooney never really got the marriage thing quite right, although he did give it the ole' college try eight times!  Mickey Rooney, dead at 93.