Sunday, January 22, 2012

Joe Paterno, dead At Last

BOOM! You see what I did there? You expected that for Etta James... remember, the easy joke. But no, I saved it, and used it on Joe Paterno! Totally unexpected! Unlike JoePa's death, which was a long time coming. A tiny, cranky old man with a beautiful football mind, he's finally taking that long nap he so desperately needed. On this day though, let us remember the good things he did. Like his role of Carl Fredricksen in the Pixar movie Up. Mr. Penn State himself, dead at the age of 85. Read more HERE.

* points awarded (x2)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Etta James is dead

Singer of that song... you know the one. The one that everybody is going to use as a joke, thinking they were the first one to think of it. They'll laugh in their heads, giggling that her song also went so well with her passing, after all this time. They'll snort the first time they tell someone, and that person will say "Ha, I said the same thing when I heard!". And so it goes... But here at the Happy Funtime Friends and Family Death Predictions Extravaganza, we don't go for the easy joke. We think, think some more, till it's thunk, and then we run with it. So Jamesetta Hawkins, singer of my wedding song, is dead at the age of 73. Read more HERE.

* points awarded (x9)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Picks are posted

So the picks are entered. Please look over them and make sure everything looks right. They are currently linked to the left under "2012 Links".

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Well Friends and Family, it looks like we can call it...

And the winner for 2011 is Cathy H. Some of us may have not scored as many points as we had hoped, but in the end we had a competitive year and hopefully some fun along the way. That's all you can ask for, right? So if you see Cathy H., take a moment to congratulate her and ask her nicely not to rub it in to her husband too much during the next 12 months.

And with that, I leave you with the Celebrity Death Montage for 2011. The picks for 2012 will be up after the deadline, and I wish you all well with your lists.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Announcing the 1st Annual Margaret Walker Humanitarian Award

Much like Harriet Tubman delivering innocent souls from certain death, Margaret Walker has worked tirelessly for the last 2 years providing safe passage for celebrities, all but assuring their health and well being. In that time, twenty choices have been made by her, with zero points earned. Just a mention on her list can extend the life of those assumed dead. In 2011 alone, Mrs. Walker extended the lives of both Betty White and Billy Graham.

In recognition of her efforts, we here at the Happy Funtime Friends and Family Death Predictions Extravaganza have created The Margaret Walker Humanitarian Award. To be presented annually, the Award recognizes those who refuse to earn points in a game based on earning points. The award comes with a cash prize; the interest earned on the pool money for the year.

It is only fitting then, that the first "Peggy" be awarded to Margaret Walker. Enjoy your recognition, and 19¢, Mrs. Walker. We salute you.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

We'll call it a year...

in 5 days. New Years Eve can get crazy. Might be some undiscovered points laying around.