Friday, July 8, 2011

Once a quitter, always a quitter

Betty Ford, former drunk and pill popper, has now quit breathing.   In all honesty, she was a fascinating and honest woman with her shortcomings.  She took her troubles and found ways to help others.   Even in death, she brought Jennifer into first place (with an impressive 30% kill rate, I might add).   Betty Ford, dead at the age of 93.  Please, read more HERE.

*points awarded (x3)

1 comment:

  1. To my friends & family,
    I feel it necessary to let you know that I in no way had a hand in any of the deaths I have so prophetically predicted. I hope only for the good health and safety of the remaining seven in my list.
    Though I hear Andy Griffith has a nasty cough.
    All the best!
